Since everyday is a day to do good, in July Stara held a food drive campaign. Stara employees donated 3.278 kg of foodstuffs and the board of the company completed the donation in a total of more than 9.000 kg of foodstuffs. The donations are being distributed by Stara employees themselves in 13 entities from Não-Me-Toque, Carazinho and Santa Rosa regions. “It was a great pleasure to be able to make my donation and to take part in the delivery of the food, because I could see closely how it is important to help people who need us a lot, not only with our donations, but with our visit and caring as well. I noticed the great happiness of the entity coordinators and residents when we arrived there”, claims the employee Marcos Machado, who has worked at Stara for four years in Logistics I department and helped deliver the foodstuffs at Sociedade Beneficente Souza & Balhejo (Retirement Home) in Barros Cassal, Rio Grande do Sul.
Marli Pache Bussiol has worked in Innovation in Santa Rosa for 15 years in the cleaning sector and she usually helps in campaigns Stara promotes. “It is very rewarding to be able to donate to people who generally depend only on our donations. Since Stara gives the employees benefits, we need to think about the others as well. Donating and taking part in the delivery was very exciting. We feel grateful for everything we have. The entities receive the food with a lot of enthusiasm, happiness and emotion, thanking for all donations received”, says Marli, who helped deliver the foodstuffs at APAE, at the Retirement Home and at CASF – Centro Assistencial Sagrada Família in Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul.
The Food Drive campaigns have shown, once again, the strength and union of Stara Family, because all of us together help build a better world.