Soil preparation to sow soybeans, corn, and beans involves several steps that aim to improve the structure, draining and fertility of the soil. 

Using an agricultural machine for this first stage ensures a uniform application of nutrients, essential for the good development of the plant and for grain quality. 

Thanks to the on-board technology, the Stara fertilizer spreaders are reference in this kind of machines in Brazil, especially the self-propelled spreader Hércules 6.0, the spreaders by gravity Bruttus line and the hydraulic spreader Twister 1500.  

In this article, you are provided with suggestions on how to apply different kinds of agricultural inputs such as fertilizer, agricultural lime in the crop fields. Additionally, we gather instructions on how to adjust the fertilizer spreader to boost the positive results in summer harvest. 

What do you need to fertilize the soil?

For efficient fertilizer application in the grain crop, it is crucial to know the soil characteristics through a full analysis. In addition to the pH, the analysis indicates nutrient levels in the soil such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other important elements as calcium and magnesium. 

Based on these results, it is possible to determine which fertilizers are used to correct possible poor soil and choose the required input types to make sure of the soil quality. Thus, it would be possible to meet the nutritional needs of the summer crops. 

Four reasons to use agricultural machines for soil preparation

Check out the main reasons to use a fertilizer spreader before the grain sowing: 

1. Better plant root developing

A soil with good structure and draining enables the plant roots to develop properly, absorbing water and nutrients efficiently.

2. Soil quality

Soils with good nutrition results in more vigorous plants and produce more. The precise application makes sure that each area receives the exact amount of nutrients, reducing the costs in inputs when applying fertilizers.

3. Time saving

The fertilizer application by means of machines is faster and more efficient, using less labor and agricultural input.

4. Operating efficiency

Reducing the required time for application and reduces the labor need.

Distribuidor agricola Stara da linha Hércules utilizado no preparo do solo para plantio em uma lavoura de grãos no entardecer.

How do the agricultural applicators work?

To ensure application precision, the spreader meter mechanisms can be adjusted to release the exact amount of fertilizer in determined area. This type of technology is one of the solutions created for Precision Agriculture.

 There are different types of applicators, which are proper for different types of fertilizers and soil conditions. The most common are:

  • Broadcast spreading: ensures precise meter and high operating yield. Also, the self-propelled spreader can enter the crop fields when the crop plants are tall. It ensures a higher fertilizer performance. For seeds, they may be overseeded.
  • Spreaders by gravity: enabling operations at a variable rate. Input metering can be automatically adjusted as the recommendations from the application map imported to the agricultural controller.

To prolong the lifespan of the spreader parts, always have the preventive maintenance performed and check the conditions of the components such as the conveyor belt, spinner disks, hopper, and application. Lubricate the mobile parts and clean the spreader after using it. 

Have extra attention to the maintenance services provided for machines and agricultural implement factories. The Stara spreader of the Bruttus line features a rubber conveyor belt with a scraper to keep it always clean. Services such as the Stara Maintenance Program are also useful to keep the machine ready for operations at all times.

How to adjust the fertilizer spreader? 

The adjustment of the fertilizer spreader is crucial to ensure an efficient application in the crop field. Proceed the following steps for good performance:

Read the operator’s manual: refer to the manufacturer’s operator manual to understand the equipment specifications. Use the PPE equipment when operating the spreader.

Initial calibration: follow the instructions and the steps: 

  • Application test: Do a test in a small area to adjust the meter.
  • Adjust the rate: Set up the application rate according to the manufacturer recommendation and soil analysis.
  • Checking: Make sure of the application uniformity and adjust it as necessary to be sure of a precise application.

Adjustment of the mechanisms: recalibrate the mechanisms for metering and spreading system according to the need. During product application, have extra attention to three important aspects:

  • Speed: Keep a constant speed during applications to ensure uniformity.
  • Operation width: Set up the operation width according to the type of spreader and crop.
  • Hopper: avoid fertilizer waste during loading and product build-up in the inner walls of the hopper. Some good practice is to choose the protective grille pieces, which are activated hydraulically.

After the application, monitor the development of crops. It is recommended to carry out periodic soil analysis to evaluate the need for corrections and adjustments in the fertilizer application planning.

Distribuidor agricola Stara da linha Bruttus utilizado no preparo do solo em uma lavoura de grãos. Distribuidor de fertilizantes Stara linha Bruttus.

Stara fertilizer spreader: calibration in minutes

One of the main Stara machines’ advantages is the calibration time because of the agricultural technologies employed to make the process faster. The required math for application is carried out automatically on the machine.  “Calibrating previously, before planting. Then, you won’t need to adjust it again,” says Thomas Liska, agronomist engineer and Stara Product Marketing coordinator.

But the specialist highlights that it is necessary to follow some steps to adjust it correctly. First, enter the product weight you wish to apply on the machine controller.  Next, do a quick application test to calculate the parameters. 

Would you like an example? Check out how it would be to calibrate a Stara spreader to apply 200 kg of fertilizer per hectare.

The agronomist engineer explains the calibration process, step by step: “Apply with the machine for some time, a minute, two minutes. After that, weigh this product and enter it on Topper 5500 controller”, teaches Thomas Liska. “If, during the test, some kilos or grams were collected, the machine calibrates its factor, that is, for a certain time, in a specific rotation, a certain amount of product drops.” 

Thus, the machine performs the automatic conversion for the following applications, at the rate and hectares the farmer wants to apply. In addition to the instantaneous adjustment of fertilizers, it is also possible to shutdown the sections automatically. 

Depending on the on-board technology, it is possible to calibrate through a smartphone. It’s the same situation as the Twister 1500 spreader, which allows adjustments through an application able to save calibrations, perform the automatic compensation of fertilizers and change the application rate.

Learn more about the Stara fertilizer spreaders Hércules, Twister, and Bruttus

Instructions to prepare the soil to sow soybeans, corn, and beans

According to the agronomist engineer, during the preparation stage for grain planting, it is important not to leave the soil uncovered to avoid erosion. “The shorter time you have for interval between a crop and another, more protected the soil is,” states Liska. 

For this reason, sowing a cover crop is essential to leave the soil covered. Its purpose is to protect the crop field from severe weather conditions, especially in the south of Brazil.  “In case of a heavy rain, you avoid losses due to soil draining. So, the soil cover is some good practice against severe weather conditions or heavy rain,” advises the agronomist engineer. 

Also, specifically, it is important to consider the peculiarities and nutrients demanded for each summer crop. Below, you’ll see some suggestions for soil preparation to sow grains: 

Soil Preparation for Soybean Planting

To manage the soybeans fertility, fertilizer application must be carried out before sowing, during the soil preparation. Nitrogen can be applied as cover, if necessary, during the development of plants. Check the main steps:

  • Soil Correction: apply lime to correct acidity, if necessary.
  • Fertilization: use phosphorus and potassium according to the soil analysis.

Soil Preparation for Corn Planting

For corn, fertilizer application is divided into two main steps: seeding and cover crop. During soil preparation, apply phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen is applied as cover crop, usually when the crop plants reach 20-30 cm high.

  • Soil correction and Fertilization: carry out liming and apply nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium during the preparation.

Soil Preparation for Beans Planting

For beans, the fertilizer application should be carried out before sowing, focusing on phosphorus and potassium. The nitrogen can be applied for cover crop, especially soil with poor nutrients during the crop plant development.

  • Soil Correction: liming to adjust the pH.
  • Fertilization: Applying phosphorus and potassium, and cover with nitrogen.


In this article, you read technical suggestions to prepare the soil to plant main summer crops, among them, soybeans, corn, and beans. We have showed you the advantages of using a fertilizer spreader in this cultivation stage and provided instructions on how to adjust the agricultural machine to boost your crop yield.


Did you like the suggestions and want to find the ideal fertilizer applicator for your crop?

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