Precision Agriculture has brought agriculture to another level by allowing for efficient management of inputs, reducing costs, ad boosting the crop field yields. 

Stara is a pioneer in agriculture technology in Brazil. The company has been investing in pieces of equipment that aim to qualify the production capacity, and at the same time, ease the farmer’s job, improving the operations and reducing waste.

As it has always had a closer look to the scenario and forecasts, Stara developed Topper, an agricultural controller exclusively created for the brand machines and implements, enabling the farmer to manage their operations in the field with technical assistance at no charge directly from the factory to the machine cab. 

This article lays out the major advantages of the Stara Topper, its origin, operation, and remarkable features to boost the grain growing.

Topper controller: how was it created?  

It was engineering by the Stara Research and Development Department and manufactured at the factory in the town of Não Me Toque. Topper is the first complete controller for Precision Agriculture to be developed in Brazil, for Stara agricultural machines only. 

Its first version, Topper 4500, was launched in 2010, to provide an innovative solution, gathering on a single device, the functions that were executed by five pieces of equipment in the beginning.

According to the Stara Research and Development Director, Cristiano Paim Buss, the entire Topper engineering was developed by Stara. “Stara designed and executed every piece of Topper, all the mother-board engineering, firmware, software, and hardware, and the layout and design of the equipment,” he says.

Four years after launching the first controller version, and observing the technology trends, Stara innovated again: it launched Topper 5500. “Back in 2011, we realized that the world was starting migrating to the Android system. So, we started developing some completely new hadrware. Thus, in 2014, Topper 5500 was launched. It was the first agricultural equipment in the world to be operated by an Android system,” remembers Buss.

Ten years later using the controller on the Stara agricultural machines, the director states that the most remarkable feature of Topper is to be in accordance with the farmer needs, in constant evolution. 

As we have autonomy to create and modify the software, we were able to manufacture a controller that meets the farmer’s needs effectively. We listen to the farmer in the field, identify the improvement suggestions and seek to implement them." Cristiano Paim Buss, Stara Research and Development Director.

According to him, as new functions are necessary, so the system is updated, which can be used by the farmer later. “There are functions that by updating the software, the farmer can use them right away, without the need to mechanically make changes on the machine,” explains Buss. In addition, he highlights that, in order to update the system, the farmer needs to ask for technical assistance through Conecta or ask for the nearest Stara dealer technician help.  

Exclusive technology of the Stara agricultural machines

Currently, the agriculture machines and implements manufactured by Stara are factory-installed with Topper 5500, available in the SL versions (basic) and VT (complete). The device is interactive and easy to operate, providing plenty of visualizations types that allow for more details of a certain operation angle.

According to Buss, so that it is installed to the agricultural pieces of equipment and ends in the farmer’s hands, Topper needs to follow a series of technical standards. “Topper goes through the same approval as a cell phone or as a laptop computer does. Therefore, after manufactured, the device needs to be tested for certification. For instance, Topper has the Anatel certification decal,” states Buss, pointing out that the technology has a patent and is exclusive for Stara products.

Remarkable features of the Stara Topper 5500

Topper stands out in the market due to the several functions that qualify it as one of the highest technology agricultural monitors nowadays. Among its major features, there are:

  • Android operational system: the first agricultural monitor in the world to operate with this technology, ensuring more flexibility and compatibility with other platforms.
  • Interactive and easy to be operated: capacitive touchscreen, intuitive and highly resistant.
  • Follow me function: it’s a setup wizard that allows the operator to calibrate and set up the machine easily and objectively. This resource shows a step-by-step of the activities.
  • Camera: input for up to six alternated cameras that can be positioned according to the operation need, making the operation visualization easier.
  • Easy update process: the system can be updated remotely through the Internet connection, without the need to leave the farm.
  • GNSS Signal Correction: the VT model is a technology that allows for a precision of up to 2.5 cm, ensuring higher accuracy in operations.
  • Telemetria Stara: enabling the remote monitoring of the operations, map sending, and diagnostics in real time.
  • Row-by-Row Shut-Off System: reducing planting overlap, resulting in input savings and higher yields.
  • Stara Machine Monitoring System: it’s a service that monitors the machine in real time, showing alerts on the screen and sending them to Telemetry, if some monitored item is not accordingly.
  • Syncro: Stara technology developed by Stara, that allows up to four machines of the same function to operate with synchronization and sharing information. It can be used for planting, spreading, and spraying.
  • Zero Crop Damage: it is an exclusive Stara system that automatically shuts off the planting row units at the exact place where sprayers and spreaders will further pass over. The system delivers seed savings of up to 4%.
  • Compatibility with multiple maps: allowing to store and use different maps according to the farmer needs.

With all these advantages, the Topper 5500 agricultural monitor is an established and essential equipment for Precision Agriculture, boosting the field efficiency and yield.

Learn more about the Stara Topper 5500
Monitor Agrícola Topper 5500 Stara

How to use the Agricultural Controller?

In addition to the advantages mentioned, Topper has a customized area with easy access to the resources on the home screen and some customizable tabs. Also, the device features a GNSS receptor that works with different satellite systems, showing the position and location of the machine with more reliability.

To use Topper 5500, the operator should follow some steps:

  1. Turning the equipment on: Topper 5500 is activated directly on the agricultural machine panel;
  2. Setting the system up: The “Follow me” function guides the operator for calibration and initial setting;
  3. Selecting the desired operation: The operator can set up all operation modes, such as planting, spraying, and spreading;
  4. Monitoring the activity: The system shows in real time the operation information and allows the adjustments as necessary.

Why is the device setting important? 

To get positive results in the field, it’s crucial to correctly set up the agricultural monitor. It includes the following adjustments:

  • Calibration of the agricultural machine sensors;

  • Setting the variable rate for fertilizer and agricultural chemical application. On Topper 5500, this operation can be done without a flash drive.

  • Setting the GPS connectivity and Telemetry systems;

  • Integration to other agricultural devices or systems.

The improper setting can lead to errors in the application of inputs and impair the harvest yield. Therefore, refer to the agricultural machine manufacturer. Whenever possible, seek for expert technical support.

Training of operators for agricultural monitor usage

In addition to relying on an advanced agricultural controller coupled on the machine cab, it’s crucial that operators know how to use the technology correctly. For this reason, investing in training for the team is important to get the most out of the equipment.

The training can cover:

  1. Using the agricultural GPS and access to technical assistance direct from the machine cab.

  2. Analysis and interpretation of data;

  3. Setting and update of the systems;

  4. Integration to other agricultural equipment.

A well-trained team reduces operating errors and improves the field yield. That’s why when investing in an agricultural machine, make sure the manufacturer provides technical assistance to provide support to the farmer to use the agricultural GPS direct from the machine cab. At Stara, this service is free of charge thanks to Conecta

The Topper 5500 agricultural monitor is an essential ally for farmers that seek higher efficiency and safety in management, ensuring positive results in a long term for your crop. 


The agricultural controller is one the technologies used in Precision Agriculture, providing higher efficiency and profitability to the farm. To get better results, it’s crucial to know how to take the most out of the technology. In this article, you learned how Topper 5500 works, its origin, and remarkable features. With these tips, you are even more prepared to explore the agricultural technology potential and ensure a more positive and profitable grain harvest.

Did you like the hints and want to find out the ideal agricultural equipment that best suits your crop field?

Stop by a Stara dealer and find the most suitable equipment to boost your crop production. 

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