Celebrating 62 years of history is a good reason for joy and pride in Stara. For this reason, Stara gave gifts to its more than 4 100 employees in the headquarters in the town of Não Me Toque, and the branches in the city of Carazinho and Santa Rosa, all in the state of the Rio Grande do Sul. Not to mention the branch in Stara in Argentina. The company’s anniversary is celebrated on August 29th.
The gifts were delivered from August 24th to 25th. The first gift was food parcels as a tradition. On August 26th, everyone received a thermal bag with 3 kg of beef to celebrate Stara’s anniversary with their families.
Stara’s CEO, Átila Stapelbroek Trennepohl, says how rewarding it is to give gifts to the employees: We’re glad to provide the employees with gifts and at the same time good moments for them and their families. All of it, thanks to the company’s performance.”
For the employee Tarcisio da Silva Campos, who has been working at Stara for 10 years, the feeling is gratefulness: “In addition to helping us, we feel appreciated. It motivates us to grow even more”.
The employee of Stara Finance, Jordana Drum Niederauer, describes the action as a remarkable feature of the company: “We can see how important we are to the company through these actions. It is fascinating, she says.
Ademilson dos Santos, who works on the assembly line, also finds the action great: “It shows the company is considerate of us and values our work. It helps a lot with the household expenses”.
Providing gifts for the employees is a way to thank them for their work and dedication. After all, they are the ones who make Stara’s success a reality.