“Important things in the world of business are never made by just a single person but by a team”, that is the quote that inspired the Selling Reunion performed between July 11 to 15, which gathered the team of seller’s men from Stara to evaluate the first semester of 2016 and to make plans for the rest of the year.
Diverse activities that started with the presence of the presidente-director from Stara, Gilson Trennepohl, happened during the week, followed by the evaluation activity of the first semester, marked by the political and economic uncertainties in Brazil. “The objective of this Selling Reunion was to redeem the opportunities that were hidden in a stiff year as 2016 and to provide the exchange of knowledge between the teams of sellers, providing a mix of the youth with the experience brings earnings for everybody. In the same way, seek a larger planning and organization of the activities, on a long term, in a ripeness process of our team”, said Márcio Fülber, commercial director.
In the first day of the Selling Reunion also was presented the innovative seller, responsible by the largest billing of products launched in the last 18 months. The seller man is Rodrigo Barancelli, representative of Stara in the states of Maranhão and Piauí. On Monday yet, were performed the presentations of the departments of marketing, training center, spare parts, after sales and human resources.
The Tuesday was dedicated for the training of products were the commercial representatives could obtain more knowledge in the line of agricultural machinery from Stara. On the Wednesday, the seller’s men created their planning for the second semester, defining the strategies to be worked along with the network of dealership and authorized resellers.
The Thursday was marked by surprises and overcoming. The commercial representatives participated of a training of camp, even with the rain that did not stop during the entire day. With the objective of improve some concepts of organization, leadership, creativity, discipline, decision making, respect, responsibility, companionship, resilience, humbleness, team work and strategic planning, the sellers participated of activities in the woods, being them responsible by the camp organization, conquer of consumption items and food preparation. “The dynamics that we performed are reproduction of the situations we daily face. The day of activities in the woods is a portrait of that, facing adverse situations, where we need to overcome and create strategies to reach the goal. At the end, besides of all the knowledge we can extract from it, we have a great story to tell to our grandchild someday”, said Rodrigo Barancelli, commercial representative from Stara.
On the Friday, the sellers return to the closing of the activities, by the command of the director-president Gilson Trennepohl, which highlight the importance of the sellers team for the plans of Stara, anchoring the growth of the company and the brand’s consolidation. To end with a flourish, the sellers received a letter of their family. “All we made this week would not be possible if we did not have a strong groundwork to support us, our family, our most precious belonging. May we come back to our homes renewed and have an excellent second semester”, concluded the director-president.
The evaluation from the Selling Reunion is positive. “At the end of the week we could see that our objectives were reached. We managed to make the teams leave the company motivated for the next semester, what we could see in each ones faces. We gave very important steps this week, because our team works seeking the same objectives. We all win in the end”, said Márcio.
The Selling Reunion happens each semester, gathering the commercial representatives from Brazil and foreign countries, also being a moment for fraternization between the team.